How To Increase Phone Speaker Volume Above System Volume

Today,  we are going to talk about an app that increases you phone's volume above the system volume. Well I would like to say that its somehow annoying to have have a phone with very low volume that you scarely hear what your phone is playing in a noisy place. Its also works for loud phones. So right now let's dig it.
For this tutorial we are going to download an app called loud volume  booster which we are going to get from Google playstore this is the picture down here

This app boosts you phone speaker directly and not just Bluetooth speakers or headset.
This is how the interface looks Like. I just love the interface because of it's simplicity.

The one up controls the system volume while the one down controls the boost.
When you tap this red button down, this is what you see.

Always make sure that soft boost is ticked. 
You can increased the maximum boost  to 100 but I  don't advice so. It will be better to leave it at sixty. 

Please if it makes your speaker to start making noise,  then you should reduce it in order not to damage your speaker. 

Try this at your own risk. But trust me its not harmful. But when you see that its over stressing your speaker you should reduce it. Thanks. 
Please share this with your friends  Because it surely would be important. Thank you. 

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